The council shall be called:- “THE GREAT DANE BREED COUNCIL”


Membership of the Breed Council shall be open to all registered Great Dane Clubs.

The Breed Council may make recommendations to the Kennel Club regarding applications to register new Breed Societies.

The Breed Council is to be the consultative and information centre of excellence for the breed.

The Breed Council shall not have executive powers.

The Breed Council may not make changes/alterations to a Breed Clubs rules/constitution.

The Breed Council may not request/recommend to the Kennel Club, changes to the Breed Standard without agreement of 75% of the participating Breed Clubs.

The Breed Council shall not be eligible to hold any Kennel Club licensed event.

The Breed Council shall not be able to join any Federation of Societies or Clubs.

The Breed Council shall consider any matter referred to it by the Kennel Club.

The Breed Council shall maintain a Hereditary Register in conjunction with the breed’s Health Officer.


The Officers shall comprise: – Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

All Officers of the Breed Council shall be Honorary.

The Officers shall be elected on a rotational basis i.e. one Officer stands down each year.

Should an Officer resign during their period of office, the replacement shall
serve out the period left of the resigning officer’s tenure.

All officers may stand for re-election.

No two officers shall be from the same Breed Club.

Officers of the Breed Council shall be entitled to claim expenses properly incurred in carrying out their particular management functions, such as postage, printing, telephone calls, provided that suitable invoices/receipts are supplied. These expenses shall be defrayed from the Breed Council funds and no individual shall be deemed to incur responsibility in respect of same.


The committee shall consist of two delegates from a Breed Club Committee, who should, for continuity, be the same two members of each Club but with the option to change delegates as the need arises.

Only two delegates per Club shall attend the Breed Council meetings, one of whom may be an Officer of The Breed Council.

No member of the Breed Council Committee shall be allowed to make the Council a means of private speculation or trade or directly derive a monetary gain.

The Health Officer and the KCLC Liaison Officer shall be part of the Committee but shall have no voting rights


Participating Clubs are entitled to one vote on any issue to be voted upon.

The Chairman shall have the casting vote on any issue, providing they are not also attending as the delegate of their respective Club.

The Officers may vote on behalf of their respective Club, if no other delegate from the Club is present


The meetings of the Breed Council shall be a minimum of two per calendar year or as deemed necessary.

The meetings to be generally held in the Spring and Autumn.

A minimum of 6 clubs shall form a quorum for a meeting.

Written notification of meetings shall be sent to the Secretaries of the participating Clubs by the Breed Council Secretary 90 days in advance of the proposed date.

The Agenda is to be formulated from the inputs from each Club and relevant Kennel Club information. The  Breed Council Secretary is to be furnished with the Items for the Agenda no later than 60 days prior to the meeting.

Items for inclusion are to be accompanied by the rationale for inclusion.

The Agenda, confirmation of the date, time and venue, is to be sent to the Breed Club Secretaries of the participating Clubs no later than 30 days prior to the meeting, who are responsible for distributing the correspondence to their respective delegates.

Minutes of the meeting are to be distributed to the participating Club Secretaries no later than 30 days following the meeting.


The AGM shall be held before the last day of June each year and may be
attended by Breed Council delegates and fully paid up members of the participating Clubs.

The AGM will receive a report of the Committee and the Balance Sheet
and discuss any item duly placed on the agenda of which prior notice of 60 days has been given by the Secretary. The Agenda will be sent to the Secretaries of the participating Clubs no later than 30 days prior to the AGM.

To announce the Officers elected from the nominations received in accordance with the timescales laid down for meeting agenda items. The names of Nominees having been placed on the Committee Meeting Agenda and voted on by the Committee.

Non – delegate attendees shall have no voting rights.

No business shall be transacted at the AGM unless notice thereof appears
on the Agenda, except for routine matters or those that in the opinion of the Chairman are urgent.


A Special General Meeting of the Breed Council shall be called on a requisition in writing to the Secretary of any 6 participating Breed Clubs, whereupon 30 days notice, in writing, shall be sent to all of the participating Clubs, specifying the object(s) of the meeting to which discussion shall be confined.


No delegate shall take it upon themselves to publish or cause to be published, either in part or in whole, an account of the proceedings of any meeting of the Breed Council. Any report to the press shall only be made by the Chairman or Secretary following authorisation of the Committee.


Any monies raised by the Council shall be placed in a major bank/building
society account. Withdrawals from the account up to £200 without referring to the Council must contain the signatures of two of the  Officers of the Council, one of which shall be the Treasurer.

The signatories must not be related or reside at the same address.

The annual subscription shall be at the discretion of the Treasurer and
agreed by a 75% majority of the participating clubs.

The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

The Accounts are to be certified annually by a qualified Accountant.


The Officers acknowledge that by the 31st July each year, returns, as
stipulated by the Kennel Club Regulations, will be forwarded to the Kennel Club and to include a copy of the Breed Council’s Constitution incorporating all proposed amendments; the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Officers; a copy of the statement of the Annual Accounts
and a copy of the Judges List.

The Officers acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any change of Secretary which may occur during the course of the year.


The Breed Council’s Rules may not be altered except at an AGM, notice of which must include the details of the proposal to alter the rules. Any proposed alteration must be brought to the notice of the Council within the constraints of the Council meetings and thereafter approved by the Kennel Club.


The Council recognises that the Kennel Club is the final authority for
interpreting the rules of the Breed Council in all cases relating to canine or Council matters.


In the event of the Breed Council ceasing to exist, a Final Statement of
the Audited Accounts, with a record of the disposal of Assets shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within 6 calendar months.

The named Officers of the Breed Council forwarded to the Kennel Club shall be responsible to the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the Council.

The assets shall be divided equally between the participating Breed Clubs.


The formulation of a unified judges list subject to annual review by the
Council in accordance with the Kennel Club Framework Document. The Breed Council Judges List to be circulated to all participating Breed Club Secretaries.



A3 LIST (Breed Specialist)



And notes as per KC Rules

30th April 2009