The Kennel Club would like to inform you of an online research exchange facility, the Bio-Acquisition Research Collaboration (BARC), for vets and researchers that is available on the Vets & Researchers section of The Kennel Club website. This facility will be a central platform for researchers to request samples they need to undertake their current research, to ensure that clinicians, breeders and other researchers are aware of research being carried out, and to give them the opportunity to make any contributions, whether it is samples or significant data and information. The Kennel Club hopes that this facility will help bring researchers and clinicians together with regards to research, making it easier to form a collaboration of different ideas and information that may result in faster progression of research into disease prevention, management, and treatment.
All the requirements of samples will be provided by the researchers and displayed on the ‘BARC’ page on The Kennel Club website.
The Kennel Club reserves the right to not support or otherwise encourage research that may involve experimental procedures that inflict pain or suffering to animals.