The latest update from Liverpool University to the Great Dane Breed Council on the current status of the research into DCM in Great Danes can be found by following this link
The recent change to the Great Dane Stud Book Banding from “D” to “C” is fully understood as it should reduce the number of “inferior quality” exhibits obtaining their Stud Book Numbers, i.e.:- only 1st and 2nd in Open and 1st in Limit qualify for SB entry. However, with this change, comes the recommendation that the number of “hands on” (h/o) dogs required to be judged in order that a judge may be placed on the A3 List is 110, with the B List 20% of that number i.e. 22.
Until the end of 2013, Great Danes had been in Band “E” for over 20 years, with the number of h/o at 250. The B List therefore 50. The BC/Clubs had collectively agreed some years ago that the A3/B List numbers should be 200/60 respectively and the criteria reflects that. The change to Band “C” took effect in January 2014 when the recommended h/o number became 160. The B List therefore 32.
As noted above, January 2015 saw the recommended h/o reduced yet again, which effectively equates to a reduction in the experience required to be considered to award CC’s for the first time of 56%. All in the space of 1 year!!!
Aligned to this is, that in order to judge more than 3 classes of the breed at Open Shows, a judge must be situate on a Breed Club B List. Breed Councils/ Breed Clubs will still be able to retain their current criteria, although the KC have previously recommended “that the Breed Council give due consideration in reviewing its A3 & B criteria numbers in the future.”
February 2015
Great Dane Breed Council AGM 2015
New Constitution
The revised constitution approved at the last AGM and Ratified by KC November 2014 can be accessed from the menu above.
BC Special General Meeting – 13 November 2014
The summary report on the Special General Meeting held in Stafford on Thursday 13th November 2014 can be found here
Breed Watch Education Day’s 2015
The following has been received from the Kennel Club if you wish to attend or have any questions please contact Charlotte as indicated below.
Dear Breed Health Co-ordinators,
Charlotte McNamara, the Canine Health Advisor in the Kennel Club’s Breed Shows team, has asked me to let you know about the Breed Watch Education Days for 2015, which are open to all. The education days will be held at the Kennel Club building in Coventry on the 15th of February and the 11th October.
For more information on the days, or to book tickets please click here. If you have any questions or queries then please email .
Kind regards,
Nick Sutton
Health Information Officer
The Kennel Club
Incorporated in England and Wales
Registered No: 8217778
1-5 Clarges Street, Piccadilly, London W1J 8AB
Tel: 01296 318540
The primary objective of the Kennel Club is to promote, in every way, the general improvement of dogs and furthermore to protect and promote the dog’s varied roles in society.
Visit the Kennel Club website for all your canine needs. If you register with our new website you will have access to eNewsletters relating to different disciplines, be able to respond to online polls and collect articles of interest in your ‘My Articles’ area. Please register at today!
BVA/KC Eye Scheme cost changes
Dear Breed Health Coordinators,
Did you know that testing dogs over the age of 8 under the BVA/KC Eye Scheme is £21 cheaper? (normal cost for single dogs is £52 including VAT). Testing older dogs is a great assessment of the dog’s eye health, including picking up late onset or progressive eye conditions in any breed – both inherited and non-inherited.
The scheme is available for all dogs and dog breeds (not just those on Schedule A).
Click here for more information on the BVA website.
Kind regards,
Bonnie-Marie Abhayaratne
Health Information Administrator
The Kennel Club
Breeder Education – Sharing knowledge on healthy, happy dogs
Dear Breed Health Co-ordinators,
In April I sent an e-mail regarding The Kennel Club/ Royal Canin Breeder Education seminars and thought that you may like to know that places are still available at each of the days. The cost of each day is £25, which includes morning and afternoon refreshments, a buffet lunch and a delegate bag.
Information on the locations of the 8 remaining seminars and the topics being discussed can be found here
Please feel free to distribute this information amongst your breed and if you would like us to send you any paper flyers for distribution, then please let me know.
If you would like any further information regarding this year’s seminars, then please contact my colleague Fay ().
Kind regards,
Nick Sutton
Health Information Officer
The Kennel Club
Tel: 0844 463 3980 (extension 323)
Fax: 020 7518 1028
The Kennel Club and Royal Canin seminars on health issues
Breeder Education Seminars – Sharing knowledge on healthy, happy dogs
The Kennel Club and Royal Canin are welcoming dog breeders to a stimulating series of educational seminars on health issues, breeding practices and scientific developments which will help breeders and their puppy rearing programmes.
A number of highly regarded professionals in the world of canine health will be taking part in these seminars.
The cost of each day is £25, and for Assured Breeders is only £20 per person, which includes morning refreshments, a buffet lunch, afternoon refreshments and a delegate pack.
Details for the next seminar:
When: 19th & 20th July
Where: Nottingham Vet School
What: Saturday 19th July
Speaker One: Dr Tom Lewis – The science behind Mate Select and population Genetics principles
Speaker Two: Professor Gary England – Reproduction and fertility in the bitch
Speaker Three: Professor Gary England – Reproduction in the male dog and artificial insemination
Speaker Four: Mr Alex German – Obesity in pets – what dog owners need to know
Sunday 20th July
Speaker One: Mr Nick Sutton – Common canine poisons – Common risks for poisoning in dogs
Speaker Two: Ms Eleanor Raffen – Diabetes in dogs
Speaker Three: Dr Nicholas Bexfield – Understanding liver disease in dogs
Speaker Four: Dr Nicholas Bexfield – Canine tumours; an overview of some common types and breed predispositions
Further speakers to be announced soon.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Kind regards,
The Kennel Club
April 2014 Update on DCM from Liverpool University
The latest update from Liverpool University to the Great Dane Breed Council on the current status of the research into DCM in Great Danes can be found by following this link